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Simone’s Violet Flame Videos

Want to learn about the amazing violet flame that can totally transform your life?


I am so glad you found my website. My name is Simone and I am a HUGE fan of the spiritual superweapon called the violet flame! In my mind, the violet flame is one of the greatest spiritual gifts the ascended masters have ever given to us.

Watch my "Welcome to My YouTube Channel" video to find out why I started this channel and what it is all about.


What Is The Violet Flame?

When I say “spiritual superweapon,” I’m not kidding.

Imagine an energy you can draw down from heaven that has the power to resolve your karma and completely transform your life. Miraculous transmutation and transformation—that’s what the violet flame is all about!

Click here to find out:

    • How do we know about the violet flame and how do you use it?
    • Are violet flame, purple flame and violet fire the same thing or not?
    • How does karma transmutation with the violet flame actually work?
    • What is a violet flame meditation? Is it easy to do?
    • Can you use the violet flame for aura cleansing?
    • What is the connection between the violet flame and longevity and immortality?
    • How do you call the violet flame down from heaven to earth?

And much more!


Saint Germain—The Violet Flame Master

If you have wondered where the violet flame came from, you’ve got to learn about the amazing ascended master known as Saint Germain—because that is where it all started!

Click here to find out:

    • Saint Germain's gift of the violet flame
    • Saint Germain’s past embodiments, including some that are in the Bible
    • His appearance as the mysterious Count Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe
    • His science of alchemy and transmutation
    • His love of freedom and his role as Hierarch of the Aquarian Age
    • How to connect with Saint Germain and use the violet flame to help him make this earth a better place for all!