Saint Germain

Who Is Saint Germain?

The Ascended Master Saint Germain is a powerful spiritual beingPortrait of the ascended master Saint Germain whose origin is veiled in mystery. His name evokes images of powers that lie beyond what is believed humanly possible. Some have wondered if he actually is from this planet. The surprising answer is, yes and no.

Planet Earth is a challenging and sometimes troubling place. The evolution of human consciousness often seems like molasses, but every so often, bright lights arise. These are wise, advanced beings who seem to know more about the purpose of life than most and are willing to teach the rest of us how to come up higher. We experience them as miracle workers whose knowledge and abilities far transcend what we accept as the boundaries of average human life.

Though their powers seem miraculous, it is no mystery how they came to be who and what they are. These elder brothers and sisters simply evolved faster than the average human being. They made use of each successive life to probe deeper, push higher, and keep transcending themselves until they evolved into masterful sages, mystics and adepts.

Saint Germain is one of these advanced souls who got far ahead of the class. Others in his league are wise ones such as Kuan Yin, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Kuthumi, El Morya, and many others who have graduated from earth’s schoolroom and now guide humanity from a higher dimension. These blessed immortals are entitled to move on into cosmic dimensions of existence, but out of the deep love of their hearts they are sticking around on this planet to help guide mankind to the supreme goal—union with God—that they themselves have realized.

Saint Germain’s Past Lives

The earliest record we have of Saint Germain is as an enlightened emperor who reigned over a golden age civilization that existed tens of thousands of years ago in the area where the Sahara Desert now is. Several of his more recent embodiments are well-known, since in those lives he has had a strong impact on the course of human history.

  • As the Old-Testament prophet Samuel, he anointed the first kings of Israel—Saul and David—and helped the still-young nation develop its own identity.
  • As Joseph, husband of Mary and father of Jesus, he protected Jesus from Roman harm and guided this young avatar on the path to developing the fulness of his Christhood.
  • In third-century England, he gave his life to shield a fugitive Christian priest from Roman persecution and became known as St. Alban, the first British martyr.
  • As the mysterious Merlin, seer and sage of Camelot in fifth-century England, he counseled King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in their quest for the Holy Grail—symbol of the search for higher consciousness.
  • Returning in the 12th century, he was embodied as the Franciscan monk, philosopher and experimental scientist Roger Bacon. Bacon’s studies in fields such as optics, mathematics and alchemy earned him the distinction of being called doctor mirabilis, “wonderful teacher.” A thinker far ahead of his time, towards the end of his life Bacon was charged with heresy by fellow religious and locked up in solitary confinement for 14 years.
  • In the 15th century, Saint Germain took embodiment as the explorer Christopher Columbus. Driven by visions of a new world, Columbus opened up the continent of the Americas to the expansion of Western culture.
  • Lastly, there was Francis Bacon, statesman, philosopher, scientist and prolific writer in Elizabethan England—a life so extraordinary and rich that scholars have still not fully unraveled all of its mysteries.

Saint Germain as Francis Bacon 

Born in 1561 as the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I of England  and her lover, Lord Leicester, Francis was raised by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, and his loving wife, Lady Anne Bacon. Though the precocious boy spent much time at Court, he did not find out about his true parentage until he was a teenager—a shocking discovery that turned his whole world upside down.

At age 31, realizing that his royal mother would never recognize him and that he would not sit on England’s throne, Bacon wrote to his uncle, Lord Treasurer Burghley: “I have taken all knowledge to be my province.” Widely read and wise beyond most of his contemporaries, he produced philosophical masterpieces such as The Advancement of Learning and the Novum Organum. His aim was what he called the Great Instauration: a great reformation of all processes of knowledge, because “a way must be opened for the human understanding entirely different from any hitherto known … in order that the mind may exercise over the nature of things the authority which properly belongs to it.”

After the Queen’s death, Bacon was appointed attorney general by King James I in 1613 and Lord Chancellor in 1618. A master of the English language, it is believed that he played a major role in the English translation of the Bible known as the King James Version, which is still beloved by many for its inspirational language. Many believe that Bacon was the true author of Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays—encrypting in cipher within its remarkable lines the hidden story of his life.

Towards the end of his life, Bacon wrote an intriguing little book called The New Atlantis. The story starts out with a voyage from Peru across the South Pacific. The ship is blown off course in a storm and lands on a mysterious island nation called Bensalem. Its inhabitants are highly advanced in both government practices and scientific knowledge. The visitors are shown some of the amazing scientific and technological achievements of this strange people—things that were not yet known in Bacon’s days. They include “some degree of flying in the air” (airplanes); “ships and boats for going under water” (submarines); apparatuses that “imitate … motions of living creatures by images of men, beasts, fishes, and serpents” (robots); “certain helps which set to the ear do further the hearing greatly” (hearing aids); and “means to convey sounds in trunks and pipes, in strange lines and distances” (telephone cables). Bacon’s genius surely could look hundreds of years into the future!

History records that Francis Bacon passed away in 1626, at the age of 65. The official story of his death is that he was out in the winter cold experimenting with preserving a dead chicken in a pile of snow—an early idea for refrigeration. But alas, he caught a cold that quickly worsened and cost him his life.

However, mystery swirled around his death as it had around his life. He was seen standing cloaked in the shadows at his own funeral. Esoteric traditions claim that he left England in 1626 after staging his “philosophical death.” He traveled incognito to the European mainland and made his way to Hungary, where he devoted the remainder of his life to alchemical and spiritual studies. He made his ascension—the final reunion with the divine Source—in 1684, which indicates he may have lived to the incredible age of 123!

Count Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe

Around 1710, an enigmatic personage began to be seen in Europe—a nobleman who baffled people’s understanding. No one knew where he came from or who he really was. He called himself the Comte de St Germain or Count St. Germain. To his good friend Landgrave Karl von Hessen he later hinted that he was the oldest son and heir of Franz II Rakoczi, Prince of Transylvania. When Rakoczi was defeated in a battle with Austria, his two youngest sons were taken prisoner and forced to adopt the names Saint-Charles and Saint-Elizabeth. In response, the oldest son, still free, resolved to call himself Sanctus Germanus: the Holy Brother.

Count St Germain traveled widely all over Europe. Since he spoke more than a dozen languages fluently, many nations considered him their native son. The Count was received warmly by King Louis XV of France and was given a suite at Chambord, where he established an alchemical laboratory. He astounded royalty with his alchemical powers, such as changing silver coins into gold, removing flaws from precious stones, and merging a handful of small diamonds into one big one by the power of his mind.

Records exist in various parts of Europe of the Count’s experimentation with industrial processes, such as creating fabric dies that would not fade. An accomplished artist, he wrote music and painted with oils that shimmered like diamonds. When he seated himself behind a screen and played his violin, the listeners swore an entire orchestra was playing.

The Count practiced diplomacy at the courts of Europe, advocating for less hostility and more cooperation between the nations of the war-torn continent. He also tried—in vain—to bring about reforms in the government of France that could have prevented the French Revolution.

Since the Wonderman’s appearance did not change in the course of more than a hundred years, he was thought to possess the coveted Elixir of Youth—and was rumored to have given some of it to the ladies at the Court of King Louis. Clearly, the Comte de Saint Germain was a master alchemist who had unlocked the secrets of immortal life.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

Around 1930, Saint Germain first appeared in the ascended master form we nowThe ascended master Saint Germain associate with him. The setting was Mount Shasta in California, where a mining engineer named Guy Ballard encountered Saint Germain during a hike on the mountain slopes.

Saint Germain, appearing in his full ascended master radiance and power, took Ballard on a series of out-of-body trips that showed him some of his past embodiments, including in ancient Egypt, Peru and France. Using the pen name Godfré Ray King, Ballard recorded these journeys and the profound spiritual instructions he received from Saint Germain in his book Unveiled Mysteries, a must-read for all who want to know more about the ascended master Saint Germain and the spiritual hierarchy that he represents. A central theme in Saint Germain’s teachings from this period, released through the I AM Movement that was founded by Guy and Edna Ballard, is the existence of the I AM Presence or individual divine Self, the great Source of our life energy. Saint Germain taught that reuniting with the I AM Presence in the ritual of the ascension is the goal of every human life.

More revelations about Saint Germain came through his messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, whose combined messengership spanned the period 1951-1999. These include that Saint Germain holds the office of Chohan or Lord of the Seventh Ray. The seventh ray is also known as the violet ray—a high-frequency spiritual light that radiates the qualities of freedom, transmutation, forgiveness, alchemy and change. As the hierarch of this ray, Saint Germain works tirelessly with those among mankind who are ready to engage in the balancing and transmutation of their personal karma and in bringing greater freedom to the people of this planet.

In addition, Saint Germain and his divine complement, the Ascended Lady Master Portia, are known as the Hierarchs of the Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian Age, which will run roughly from the year 2000 to the year 4000, is meant to become an age of unprecedented progress, enlightenment, freedom and brotherhood—a new golden age, guided by a masterful being who could foresee this bright future hundreds of years ago when he wrote The New Atlantis, and who as the Wonderman of Europe laid the foundation for what is to come in this new age.

How to Connect with Saint Germain

You may wonder, how do I connect with Saint Germain?

Connecting with an ascended master is as easy as thinking of him. The master feels your thoughts and is instantly aware of your attention on him. Speaking to him is as simple as praying: “Beloved Saint Germain, in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence I ask you to enter my life. Help me balance my karma and become the God-free divine being that I am destined to become.”

Assistance can come in many forms—as intuition, as changing circumstances, as healing, or simply as a new sense of purpose and joy in life.

The best way to receive Saint Germain’s help is to give decrees to him. Decrees are rhythmic spoken prayers that invoke specific divine qualities from the ascended master realm. Once you start giving violet flame decrees that invoke Saint Germain’s transmutative and liberating violet light, your life can change rapidly for the better!

When you address Saint Germain, make sure to do so with reverence and respect, since ascended masters are truly godlike in nature. In the words of Guy Ballard, “They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world.” [Unveiled Mysteries, p. 136] As you honor the divine in them, they most assuredly will honor and affirm the divine in you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Saint Germain immortal?

Absolutely! All ascended beings have transcended the necessity for birth and rebirth. They have reunited with their divine source and now exist in the realm of Spirit as immortal beings.

Is St. Germain a Catholic saint?

There is no Catholic St. Germain, but this great master previously lived as St. Joseph, the father and protector of Jesus, and as St. Alban, a martyr in third-century Britain who is recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church.

Who is Saint Germain in the Bible?

Saint Germain lived as the prophet Samuel in ancient Israel and as St. Joseph, husband of Mother Mary, two-thousand years ago.

Was Saint Germain an alchemist?

You bet! As the Wonderman of Europe, Saint Germain gained a reputation for being highly knowledgeable in chemistry and physics. Count Karl Coblenzl shared in a letter dated April 8, 1763, that he had witnessed Saint Germain changing iron into a metal that resembled gold. Count St Germain lived very simply, yet had a vast wealth at his disposal. He could be seen handing out gold coins to the poor in Paris without ever exhausting his resources.

In fact, alchemy is one of the gifts Saint Germain wants to bestow on today’s world—not just material alchemy but the higher spiritual alchemy of changing the base elements of our human nature into the gold of the divine consciousness. His book Saint Germain on Alchemy [pic and link to Amazon], dictated to his messenger Mark L. Prophet in the 1960s, is a treasure trove of instructions on how to accomplish this Opus Major of the ancient alchemists.

What is the Holy Trinosophia?

The Most Holy Trinosophia is the only known book to have been written by Count St Germain during his days as the Wonderman of Europe. Richly illustrated by his own hand, it is a profound initiatic story that walks the reader through the mysteries of overcoming the lower self and attaining higher consciousness.

Buy the book here (affiliate link*):

Where can I learn more about Saint Germain’s embodiments?

For more on Saint Germain’s embodiments, see the Summit Lighthouse Encyclopedia, under the entry Saint Germain.

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